Trump: We Should Imprison People For Criticizing Supreme Court

Trump: We Should Imprison People For Criticizing Supreme Court

During his rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania on Monday, Trump defended the Supreme Court from verbal criticisms and claimed people should be put in prison for doing so.

Before demented Don talked about arresting people criticizing the Supreme Court, he claimed Vice President Harris wants to pack the Supreme Court with up to 25 justices if elected.

TRUMP: And she wants to pack the Supreme Court, you know that. Instead of nine justices like we have now, Kamala wants to bring it up very substantially. Now, this is a number I heard two days ago, potentially to 25 justices so she can rig the system.

Meaning, not she, the whole party can rig the system, the party of communists. She wants to bring it up to 25. That’s the first time I heard that number, but I heard it very loud and clear. She might as well have Congress.

There is no law saying we can only have nine justices on the high court. McConnell and Trump’s actions have destroyed the integrity of the court and turned it into a kangaroo institution of the MAGA cult.

TRUMP: No, they were very brave, the Supreme Court, very brave. And they take a lot of hits because of it.

It should be illegal what happens.

You know, you have these guys like playing the ref, like the great Bobby Knight.

These people should be put in jail the way they talk about our judges and our justices, trying to get them to sway their vote, sway their decision.

I won’t bother discussing his violation of the First Amendment because our readers understand it, but if you look at Trump’s track record of attacking and vilifying judges and their family members, if we use his pronouncement, he should be in prison for life.

Using Trump’s logic, the entire Republican Party should be in prison for almost 60 years of vile attacks on the Supreme Court for every decision they hated.

Trump is losing his marbles and fast.

Trump again says six justices–here, “six brilliant justices”– overturned Roe v. Wade. Without opining on their luminance, it was five.

— Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) September 24, 2024

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