The Kazakh Nuclear Gamble

The Kazakh Nuclear Gamble

This fall Kazakhstan will hold a national referendum on whether to build a nuclear power station. The multi-billion dollar project has long been pushed by Russian President Putin, with no clear support or rejection from […]

India, NATO and the SCO: Why the South Asian Country Should Convene a Dialogue between Both Organizations

India, NATO and the SCO: Why the South Asian Country Should Convene a Dialogue between Both Organizations

New Delhi would be able to dispel negative international impressions of its seeming mixed feelings towards the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and re-affirm global faith towards India as a champion of unity and non-alignment. July […]

Strategic Myopia or Deliberate Blindness?

Strategic Myopia or Deliberate Blindness?

The repeated and awkward statements by Brazil’s President, Lula da Silva, and his Advisor for International Affairs and de facto Secretary of State, Celso Amorim, lending airs of alleged normality and legality to the semblance […]