Indonesia Can Learn from Germany regarding Corruption Prevention and Control

Indonesia Can Learn from Germany regarding Corruption Prevention and Control

Corruption is like a cancer that is eating away in Indonesia. This haram practice hinders the nation’s progress, hinders development, and exacerbates social inequality. Efforts to eradicate corruption continue to be made, but it seems that this is still not enough. This is where Indonesia needs to emulate and gain knowledge from other countries, one of which is Germany.

Germany is one of the cleanest countries—in terms of corruption—in the world. Various studies that have been done confirm the statement, one of which has been done by Transparency International (TI). TI is a non-governmental organization that operates globally and is committed to fighting injustice caused by corruption. One of the annual report studies published by this institution is a survey known as the Corruption Perception Index (CPI).

Based on the GPA in 2023, Germany managed to get a score of 78 (scale 0—100), so Germany managed to rank 9th. This achievement shows that Germany has been able to build an effective system for preventing and dealing with corruption. So, it is not an exaggeration to say that Indonesia can—or even—should learn from Germany.

Indonesia’s Corruption Perception Index Is Bad

On the other hand, Indonesia is still far behind in terms of eradicating corruption. In the 2023 GPA, Indonesia only got a score of 34, ranking 115th out of 180 countries. This score shows that Indonesia still has a high level of corruption. A comparison of the German and Indonesian CPI results shows that Indonesia still has a lot to do in its efforts to eradicate corruption.

A striking comparison between the German and Indonesian CPI results highlights significant gaps in efforts to eradicate corruption in the two countries. In Indonesia, corruption is not only an obstacle to the nation’s progress but also fosters social inequality that is detrimental to society at large. The inability to deal with corruption has harmed the country holistically, hindered economic growth, and hampered investment, both from within and outside the country.

Various factors cause Indonesia’s low CPI, one of which is weak law enforcement and low levels of accountability for perpetrators of corruption at various levels of government. Apart from that, a lack of transparency in the public decision-making process and a monitoring system that is vulnerable to abuse are also major obstacles.

Indonesia and Germany’s commitment to eradicating corruption

Cooperation between Indonesia and Germany in the field of eradicating corruption has been going on for a long time. These two countries have a strong commitment to preventing and overcoming corrupt behavior. In fact, in 2020, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) received a visit from the German Embassy to Indonesia. The meeting was held to further strengthen cooperation to eradicate corruption.

In Indonesia, corruption is considered a criminal act, which can be punished with life imprisonment or a large fine, according to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes (UU Eradication of Corruption). Indonesia continues to strive to fight corruption by carrying out various efforts, such as increasing public awareness. Corruption not only harms state finances but also hinders government programs and national development.

On the other hand, based on some of the literature I have read, if you look at Germany, some laws have strong anti-corruption, which prohibit giving bribes in various contexts, both commercial, public services, and the health sector. Anti-bribery measures were also strengthened abroad, and companies and their representatives could be prosecuted for corruption offenses. The punishment for bribery can include large fines or even prison sentences.

In addition, investigative authorities also pay attention to tax evasion related to bribe payments and often investigate money laundering in such cases. Facilitation of payments to public officials is prohibited, while hospitality may be considered a bribe depending on the circumstances of the case.

Both Indonesia and Germany have the same goal in fighting corruption, although with different approaches because corruption is considered an extraordinary crime that threatens the order of civilization. Therefore, there needs to be concrete steps from these two countries to mutually benefit each other in eradicating corruption cases.

There needs to be concrete steps from the Indonesian government

The Indonesian government cannot remain silent. Even though it sounds impossible, there is a real need for concrete steps from the government to be able to create an Indonesia without corruption. As an effort, cooperation between Indonesia and Germany in eradicating corruption needs to be strengthened. The Indonesian government can study and adopt its best practices from Germany in building a strong anti-corruption legal framework.

This cooperation is not only limited to exchanging information or diplomatic visits but must also involve exchanging knowledge, experience, and best practices in eradicating corruption. Indonesia can learn from Germany in building an effective system for preventing and dealing with corruption—even though Germany is not perfect either.

Apart from that, the Indonesian government needs to improve law enforcement and accountability for perpetrators of corruption. More firm and effective sanctions need to be imposed on perpetrators of corruption, without discrimination. Transparency in the public decision-making process must also be improved, as well as a stronger monitoring system to prevent abuse of power.

Investigating authorities in Indonesia also need to pay attention to tax avoidance practices that often occur in corruption cases. Investigations into suspected money laundering crimes also need to be strengthened to eradicate corruption holistically.

By taking an example and learning from Germany’s experience, Indonesia has the opportunity to tackle corruption more effectively. However, this requires strong commitment and hard work from all parties, both government and society, to create real change and create a country free from corruption.

Therefore, eradicating corruption requires the participation of all parties, not just tasks Corruption Eradication Commission, but also the responsibility of individuals, families, education, society, the private sector, and government agencies. Germany also has a strategy to prevent and combat corruption, by implementing a ban on accepting bribes and gifts, as well as strengthening an anti-corruption political system.

[Image credit: NordNordWest, via Wikimedia Commons]

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author.

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