Tom Cotton Can’t Stop Saying ‘Coup’

Tom Cotton Can’t Stop Saying ‘Coup’

CNN’s John Berman called out Senator Tom Cotton for claiming President Joe Biden was ousted by a “coup“, while refusing to call the attack on the Capitol on January 6 a “coup.”

You remember, January 6? When police were killed and thousands of Trump supporters stormed the hub of our democracy looking to hang Mike Pence?

Berman brought up Cotton’s post on social media, which said, “Joe Biden succumbed to a coup by Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Hollywood donors, ignoring millions of Democratic primary votes.”

“I’ve seen you choose your language very carefully, so why call this a coup and not January 6th?” Berman asked.

Cotton picked up the latest MAGA talking points and whined that VP Harris never won a Democratic primary or a vote as president.

Berman jumped back in.

“You used the language coup. Again, you’ve never said that for January 6 and as far as I know, no cops were beaten up, no one defecated in the Capitol, there was no criminal trespass in terms of changing the Democratic candidates were there?” Berman pressed.

“No,” Cotton admitted, conceding that there was no coup.

Will he pull his post down? Then he ranted about Harris and Biden being too liberal. Yada, yada.

When jackasses are called on their lies in real-time, they change the subject and refuse to acknowledge their lies.

As we’ve seen so far in the last 48 hours. people in the Democratic party are behind Harris, ($81 million raised) the delegates needed are behind Harris, and she’s won every major endorsement from everyone ranking Democratic politician.

The only people whining about Harris taking the mantle are MAGAts.

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