Dozens Towed After Parking Illegally For A Trump Rally In Charlotte

Dozens Towed After Parking Illegally For A Trump Rally In Charlotte

Dozens of vehicles were towed during the Trump rally in Charlotte after they ignored the “UNAUTHORIZED OR ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES WILL BE BOOTED AND/OR TOWED” signs in the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot.

Source: WBTV

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) – Dozens of people found themselves stranded following Wednesday’s Trump rally in Charlotte after their cars were towed from a nearby Dunkin’ Donuts.

Parking was at a premium after crowds swarmed the coliseum’s parking lots. Drivers claim the manager of the Dunkin’ allowed them to leave their cars in the lot during the rally; however, when asked for comment, they said several people were told they could not park there and that signs on the property indicate no parking for non-customers.

While the drivers were inside the rally, tow trucks showed up and began hooking up vehicles.

“The managers inside promised that they could park here,” Zander DeSoto said. “Some of the people here even gave money to the people inside.”

To get their cars back, people who parked at Dunkin’ had to pay hundreds of dollars to the towing company.

Gotcha Towing, the group responsible for pulling the cars out of the lot, said there was a sign warning that illegally parked cars would be removed. The company added that the manager of the store contacted them, asking them to pull the vehicles off its property, and that the only way people could get their cars was to pay the $380 towing fee.

I can’t verify if Carlos Turnbull is who he says he is but I would not be surprised if his account is accurate while the cultists’ is not.

I’m the owner of that Dunkin’ franchise and while it’s true that my manager did give permission for people to park there, they also said they’d but some donuts and would only be there for an hour. Once I figured out what was going on, I had them all towed because I hate Trump.

— Carlos Turnbull (@cturnbull1968) July 25, 2024

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