Lizzie Borden’s Father And Stepmother Found Slain

Lizzie Borden’s Father And Stepmother Found Slain

They keep making movies and TV series about Lizzie, which helps grow the legend.

I remember watching Bewitched star Elizabeth Montgomery in her Emmy nominated role in The Legend of Lizzie Borden when I was a teenager. It was fun seeing her as a possible murderer instead of the good witch twinkling her nose.

It’s interesting that the Fall River police weren’t keen on fingerprinting and refused to test for prints on the potential murder weapon–a hatchet–found in the Bordens’ basement.

On August 4, 1892, Andrew and Abby Borden are found hacked to death in their Fall River, Massachusetts, home. Andrew was discovered in a pool of blood on the living room couch, his face nearly split in two. Abby was upstairs, her head smashed to pieces; it was later determined that she was killed first.

Open thread below. Axe away…

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