J.D. Vance: I Like Beer, Probably A Little Too Much

J.D. Vance: I Like Beer, Probably A Little Too Much

Apparently, Felon Trump’s campaign decided the best use for his pick of J.D. Vance was to send him out stalking Vice President Kamala Harris. On Wednesday, following Harris’s schedule, had an appearance in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on Wednesday. But whereas the Harris/Walz rally was held outside and drew thousands and thousands of people, Vance’s appearance was inside a manufacturing plant and was only attended by a few reporters and a captive audience of workers who were probably ordered to be there, whether they wanted to be or not.

During a Q & A session, A.J. Bayatpour, a reporter for Channel 58, asked him the most Wisconsin political question ever – Why would anyone want to have a beer with Vance? Vance’s answer was enough to make one wonder if he hadn’t already been imbibing a few brewskis before the event:

Well I guess they’d want to have a beer with me because I actually do like to drink beer. I probably like to drink beer a little bit too much, but that’s okay. I’m sure the media won’t give me too much crap over that. But look, the reason I’m doing this and the reason I think Donald Trump is doing this, and I think the media often slanders him, but I’ve never met a guy who likes normal people more than Donald Trump. I’ve never met a guy who when he’s got a big decision to make, he will solicit feedback from every single person all over the country.

Really now? Remind me, how many of these “normal people” are now sitting in prison and/or awaiting trial. And how many of these “normal people” include those Madame Tussauds Wax Museum rejects that loiter down in Merde Lardo? And how many of those normal people are walking around carrying confederate flags and swastikas? And lastly, how many of those “normal people” are fornicating with the furniture?

Anyway, the truly ironic thing is that Representative Drunken Van Orden was present at this little shitshow. I bet all that talk about beer kept his rapt attention.

And on a final note, any guesses on how long it will take Vance to make this his campaign bumper music?

Here’s the longer version of Sen. JD Vance on why Wisconsin voters would want to have a beer with him.

“I guess they’d want to have a beer with me because I actually do like to drink beer”

He went on to say, “I’ve never met a guy who likes normal people more than Donald Trump” pic.twitter.com/EdsKaQpyqO

— A.J. Bayatpour (@AJBayatpour) August 7, 2024

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