Babbling Felon45 Forgets Which State He’s In

Babbling Felon45 Forgets Which State He’s In

Trump apparently can’t remember which state he’s in during another one of his cult rallies in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Here’s the babbling idiot pretending he doesn’t “ramble,” while doing exactly that and confusing Pennsylvania with North Carolina.

TRUMP: I heard the other day, and this isn’t anything I’m just saying, they’ll say he was rambling. I don’t ramble. I’m a really smart guy. You know, really smart. I don’t ramble. But the other day, anytime I hit too hard, they say he was rambling, rambling.

You know, I get up and I make a speech. I go for sometimes two hours, two and a half hours, because, you know, people are waiting outside for three days, four days. You guys were waiting out there for a long time.

Front-row Joes are waiting out. I don’t know how you guys do it. And I feel I have an obligation to speak and speak in a certain way and speak a little bit longer. You know, how would you like it? A guy’s waiting with his family for three and a half, four days.

They have a tent and the tent is set up. They have hundreds of them and they wait. And then I walk in, speak for 15 minutes and leave. I don’t know. Somehow. Would that be okay? North Carolina? I don’t think so.

Right. They want me to speak all day. You know, when I leave, I did one, two hours and 15 minutes and I’m leaving. And they’re screaming, no, sir, more. We want to hear more. I said, I can’t. I said, I can’t speak more.

What the hell else am I going to say? Our country’s going to hell. That’s all I can say.

Tell me again how it’s Biden that supposedly has the cognitive problems? Wake me up when the corporate media decides to even mention this happened, along with the hundreds of other insane, disqualifying things that come out of Trump’s mouth on a weekly basis.

The Trump campaign replied, professional as always.

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