Beware: Kevin Roberts’ Book Is Scarier Than Project 2025

Beware: Kevin Roberts’ Book Is Scarier Than Project 2025

Project 2025 architect Kevin Roberts’ book “Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America” has been delayed until after the 2024 election. The delay is good for the Trump-Vance campaign and bad for Americans. Roberts’ book makes the extremist content in Project 2025 read like a children’s bedtime story.

Thanks to Media Matters, America gets a preview of Project 2025 architect Roberts’ book, and it’s koo-koo bananas. According to Roberts, America’s schools “cultivate children’s souls into godless assembly lines…”
Dig, if you will, what he says about teachers:

“Right now, parents’ rights must be jealously guarded because America’s teachers have gone insane. The reason many parents are having to reassert their rights is that teachers are trying to enforce a truly radical agenda, one that assumes that reality is a social construct.”

Since Project 2025 proposes to end the U.S. Department of Education, it shouldn’t be surprising that its head is a critic of public schools. However, Roberts’ views on women’s rights and reproductive health are equally horrible.

In his book, the Heritage Foundation president rants against birth control, IVF, and abortion. The extreme views are shocking, as Roberts writes:

“In the case of contraceptives, we are a society remade according to a research agenda set by the Party of Destruction.”

Is the “Destruction” party the Democratic party? It’s hard to tell. Roberts’ book rails on IVF, too; he writes:

“In vitro fertilization (IVF) seems to assist fertility but has the added effect of incentivizing women to delay trying to start a family, often leading to added problems when the time comes.”

The Project 2025 chief wants women barefoot and pregnant way earlier! In another shocker, Roberts hates birth control pills and IUDs.

“Technological change made having a child seem like an optional and not natural result of having sex and destroyed a whole series of institutions and cultural norms that had protected women and forced men to take responsibility for their actions.”

Alarming that Trump-Vance Tied to Roberts

The Trump-Vance campaign has tried to distance itself from Project 2025 backlash. But since Vance wrote the forward for Roberts’ book, it has been harder to run away.

Vance’s forward in Roberts’ book is very disturbing with calls for violence. The New Republic reports that Vance writes that
“It’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets.”

A few years ago, Roberts and his book would be on the outer fringes of the GOP. In 2024, a potential president and vice president collaborate with the radical Roberts.
Go to Media Matters and read about “Dawn’s Early Light.” The book is nightmare fuel, and we need to do everything we can to keep Roberts, Trump, and Vance out of power.

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