C&L’s Late Nite Songs Club: Elena Pinderhughes

C&L’s Late Nite Songs Club: Elena Pinderhughes

I have no thought in which this audio pageant took location, but I do love me some Pinderhughes.

She’s a younger and exciting player.

Elena Pinderhughes was born in 1995 in Berkeley, California. She Begun actively playing songs exceptionally early in her lifestyle all-around age seven, was participating in with specialist musicians on the scene when she was 9, and when she was 11, she arrived out with her 1st album ‘Catch 22’. It was also about this age that she designed an physical appearance in HBO’s ‘The Tunes in Me’. She arrived to a large prominence in 2013 when she was chosen as one particular of a several musicians to be a component of the Grammy Jazz Large School Combo.

Becoming a flutist myself, I’m always on the lookout for wonderful flute players and she’s a person to observe, pay attention and delight in.


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