Fox Information Host Difficulties Republican: If Biden Wins It can be Not A Fair Election?

Fox Information Host Difficulties Republican: If Biden Wins It can be Not A Fair Election?

Rep. Jeff Van Drew from the Home Judiciary Committee was shocked when Fox News host termed him out more than MAGA’s meant election integrity nonsense.

Fox News host Arthel Neville cited Drew’s assert that Trump will get the election and questioned if Trump loses will he then proclaim it fair and safe and sound?

Neville: Congressmen, in the final moment you just stated Donald Trump is going to get. If Donald Trump does not acquire, will you and the rest of the Republicans and the supporters of Donald Trump accept that he did not win and that the fix is not in, simply because that’s really critical for us to have fair and safe elections.

Drew: If the elections are truthful and protected, I constantly assistance the final result of the election. If they are not, I have fears. And the base line is, I will not feel that…

Neville interrupted: So if Trump wins, it’s truthful. If Biden wins, it can be not honest. Is that what you might be stating, Congressman?

Drew: No, Arthel, it’s not what I am saying. What I am expressing is I really don’t even consider about him not profitable since in my thoughts and a lot of Americans’ minds, including center-of-the-street independents and Democrats, the potential of our nation as a Republic is at chance.

What a liar.

Rep. Drew is by now citing his fantasy mother nature of the political system wherever he resides. Not pondering about reality is a significant trouble for MAGA GOP.

What elections have not been absolutely free and reasonable?

And what “center of the road” independents and Democrats are supporting Trump?

Boasting Trump are unable to eliminate is a pretext for Republicans screaming about one more stolen election, mail in ballots, migrants voting and maybe one more insurrection at the US Capitol.

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