Heritage Is Like Shampoo

Heritage Is Like Shampoo

Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, provides us a lesson on how heritage is just like shampoo, in that the past step is generally repeat. This appears to be to be in particular real to Republicans running for president.

She details out how Tricky Dicky Nixon made a deal with the South Vietnamese to preserve the war likely right up until following the election.

She quick forwarded to Ronny Ray Gun, who minimize a offer with Iran to maintain on to their American hostages until finally immediately after the election. Afterwards, Iran launched the hostages and Ray Gun gave them weapons of war to use as they would. Boy, that labored out nicely.

But remaining a really slow learner, Felon Trump repeated history all over again by attempting to blackmail Ukraine for grime on President Biden. Now to the current day, Trump proves himself to be a lot more corrupt and extra stupid than we at any time imagined by openly announce that Putin is not going to release an American hostage right up until Trump tells him to – after the election.

Go determine.

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