Kellyanne Conway Writes New Alternative Facts About Debate

Kellyanne Conway Writes New Alternative Facts About Debate

Former Trump campaign manager and creator of the alternative facts lie Kellyanne Conway claimed Kamala Harris was the candidate who missed an opportunity during the presidential debate, instead of Trump being completely trounced by his opponent.

There are alternative facts and there are lies. These are lies.

Kamala Harris made definitive statements about her policy objectives and proved she has what it takes to be Commander in Chief.

Trump gave a humiliating performance with the single most ridiculous lie ever told at a debate in modern history.

CONWAY: I’m in a political witness protection program away from Joe Biden, and I’m emerging as his fresh face.

OK, so what do you stand for? She failed to press that case on Tuesday night.

Harris made her case clearly and decisively.

I know people think she somehow, quote, won because she wanted to needle Donald Trump and say we’ve got to stop name-calling and proceeded to call him names and rehash many things that have been debunked many times over.

That means that she’s the one who lost an opportunity to tell us.

What Trump lies have been debunked?

Every argument Harris made about Trump’s tenure as president and his actions and words are backed by proof.

Here’s what Trump’s legacy will be: The Moment That Will Live On In Debate Infamy For Trump.

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