LNMC – Hell Is For Youngsters By Pat Benatar

LNMC – Hell Is For Youngsters By Pat Benatar

Confession time: I’ve had a lifelong crush on Pat Benatar. I really appreciated her songs, but that smoky voice and the point that she is downright stunning just built her irresistible. Hell Is For Children was just one of my most loved tunes by her and turned my unofficial topic tune when I worked in the baby welfare method, helping little ones who were being abused and/or neglected.

So when Ted Cruz came out with his nonsense, equating the song with the satan and little one sacrifice, I was dumbfounded. He obviously hardly ever even listened to the tune. It truly is a music that brings consciousness and hopefully support to abused and neglected children all over the place. The fact that Benatar responded to his idiocy by dismissing it offhand and devoid of yet another considered only stored my crush alive.

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