Parents Sue School For Giving Son Who Used AI A Bad Grade

Parents Sue School For Giving Son Who Used AI A Bad Grade

How about just do the work yourself?

Gizmodo writes about how a Massachusetts couple is suing their son’s high school for ruining his chances to get into Stanford because of a bad grade.

In what appears to be the first case of its kind, at least in Massachusetts, a couple has sued their local school district after it disciplined their son for using generative AI tools on a history project. Dale and Jennifer Harris allege that the Hingham High School student handbook did not explicitly prohibit the use of AI to complete assignments and that the punishment visited upon their son for using an AI tool—he received Saturday detention and a grade of 65 out of 100 on the assignment—has harmed his chances of getting into Stanford University and other elite schools.

“The defendants continued on a pervasive, destructive and merciless path of threats, intimidation and coercion to impact and derail [our son’s] future and his exemplary record,” the Harris family alleges in its lawsuit, which was initially filed in state superior court before being removed to a federal district court.

I think this is only the beginning of these types of lawsuits.

Open thread below…

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