When You Lose Killer Kyle, You Know You’re In Trouble

When You Lose Killer Kyle, You Know You’re In Trouble

The bad news keeps piling up for Felon Trump. The latest is that he lost the crazed gunman vote. That’s right. Killer Kyle Rittenhouse has announced that he is not supporting the Felon Don for POTUS. Not because Trump is an adjudicated rapist. Not because Trump is a fraudster. Not because Trump was convicted on 34 times convicted felon. Nope, old Killer Kyle is not supporting Trump because Trump is not ammosexual enough for Rittenhouse:

(deleted tweet)

In case you couldn’t understand old mush mouth, this is what he spewed:

Hi, I’m Kyle Rittenhouse, outreach director for Texas Gun Rights. A lot of people are upset that I said I’m going to be writing in Ron Paul for President of the United States and that is true. I will be writing in Ron Paul. Unfortunately, Donald Trump had bad advisers making him bad on the Second Amendment and that is my issue. If you cannot be completely uncompromisable on the Second Amendment, I will not vote for you and I will write somebody else in. We need champions for the Second Amendment or our rights will be eaten away and eroded each day. I support my decision, and I have no takebacks.

Dudley Brown, the guy who posted the video, tacked this on, listing all of their grievances against Trump, which boils down to complaining that he might have made it a minuscule bit more difficult for a crazy kid to get an assault rifle and take out a bunch of school children:


I can’t help but wonder which hurts Trump more, losing the crazed gunman voter like that, or the fact that he lost it to Ron Paul.

Reaction on the far right was swift.

BYE forever✌️ I can stomach a lot of things – but backstabbing millions who supported you at your lowest point. Then turning on Trump right after he got shot. Can’t stomach it – won’t put up with it – forgotten forever. pic.twitter.com/7TJGfbwk4R

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) August 2, 2024

Oh well, Kyle I regret to inform you that I will no longer be one of your guests on September 12 at the TXGR event. I reckon you can write in someone else. This was not the way, bud. pic.twitter.com/8FjZM1a6Sg

— Chad Prather (@WatchChad) August 2, 2024

UPDATED: The boy who wouldn’t compromise on being uncompromisable has compromised and took back what he said was no takebacks:

Over the past 12 hours, I’ve had a series of productive conversations with members of the Trump’s team and I am confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second Amendment rights.

My comments made last night were ill-informed and unproductive. I’m 100%…

— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) August 2, 2024

In other words, once he put his foot in it and lost thousands of followers and, more importantly, all that potential grift money, he quickly had his coming to Satan moment and did a flip flop that would make an Olympic gymnast get whiplash.

Something tells me that Killer Kyle won’t hear the last of that for a long, long time.

Killer Kyle also better keep his head on a swivel. Word on Xitter is that the MAGA mob is pretty pissed at him right now. You never know when someone might take Killer Kyle’s advice and Second Amendment him.

Memes aplenty.


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