Woman Wheels Dead Uncle Into Brazilian Bank To Get A Loan

Woman Wheels Dead Uncle Into Brazilian Bank To Get A Loan

Just when you think you saw it all.

The Guardian:

When Érika de Souza Vieira wheeled her lethargic-looking uncle into a Brazilian bank, clerks quickly sensed something was amiss.

“I don’t think he’s well. He doesn’t look well at all,” remarked one distrustful employee as Vieira tried to get her elderly relative to sign off on a 17,000 reais ($3,250) loan.

Paulo Roberto Braga was indeed indisposed. In fact, the 68-year-old appears to have been dead.

Shortly after entering the lender in Rio late on Tuesday with her late uncle, Vieira was arrested and charged with violating a corpse and attempted theft through fraud, according to the Rio newspaper O Dia.

Érika de Souza Vieira’s lawyer she’s innocent.

Sure, we believe you.

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