Did You Try ‘The Solid Gold Dancers Five Day Workout?’

Did You Try ‘The Solid Gold Dancers Five Day Workout?’

Come on, admit it.

The NY Times reviewed Sold Gold back in 86′, “the pop music show that is its own parody.”

Betty Grumble explains her fascination with the SG Dancers.

Some of the best laughing is out of absurdity. Laughter erupts and massages. Purrs and murmurs. It erodes calcified, rational, top-down thinking. It appears mysteriously, sometimes even when we think we should not laugh. My grandmother Betty used to say to my brother and I: “You’re laughing now, you’ll be crying in a minute!” We need our tears and hope; I wouldn’t be laughing so hard if it wasn’t so deeply serious.

Laughter is the key to a happy life.

Dance the open thread away….

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